Friday, July 11, 2014

Cut's a cobweb

I know, I know it's a complicated and beyond comprehension that I cannot see where it started from and where it is going to end. I don't have even the faintest idea of how it is being spun.

But I know one thing for sure. I know where the spinnerets are - they are within, I possess them. I possess them all over my being. They are always secreting, establishing a connection with whatever and whoever I come in close proximity to. There is nothing stopping them, however hard I try.

And what's the result? I have got sewn in this fabric of the unknown much like a spider gets stranded in its own web (except that it never does). I never intended to get myself stuck here. In fact, I never thought that this "thing" would ever get such complicated and problematic that I would feel armless and legless.

But it did.

Now, the situation is so delicate that even the slightest turbulence in the surrounding air, that too at the farthest end of this web, makes the universe shaking for me. Shaking as if trying to shed me off, but holding on me so tightly that it would never let me go. I am helpless! All I can do is...keep hoping that I would cut loose one day.


Anonymous said...

Nice Description buddy...
But if know where the spinnerets are, you can break the cobweb also, only you and you can.

Sachin Kaushik said...

How I wish I could... but you see, spinnerets are embedded into me, my body...or my being, and they're constantly into action... just don't think I can control it. Having said that, you're right...I and only I can do that.

Thanks for your comment.